Amsterdam – Day 5

Today was an exploring day. We walked, bus-ed, tram-ed (the Max) and shopped ourselves out. I actually bought stuff for myself for the first time too. Me and mom finally found a hair straightener (since mine would just break if we plugged it in over here) so now mom can dry her hair and I can wear mine down. Yay for little pleasantries! I also found jeans that are distinctly European and the only pair bigger than size 4 in all of Amsterdam. We also bought a few souvenirs and some fancy Dutch chocolate.

The fanciest H&M I've ever seen

The fanciest H&M I’ve ever seen

But we also saw some of the funnest architecture so far. In Paris everything was huge and imposing, but the architecture in Amsterdam is much more subtle. Graceful bridges, leaning buildings with beautiful roofs, understated patterns in the cobblestones… It’s very pretty. Everything curves along the roads and canals too, showing just how long the houses have been there. The big, important buildings have a definite Gothic look (Neo-Gothic? I think I heard that on the bus at one point).

Church in the main square

Church in the main square


Another church in a different part of the city

Another church in a different part of the city

Amsterdam is a fantastic city. I like it more than Paris, actually. Paris was gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, but Amsterdam… Maybe it’s just the presence of normal people and normal, functional city things. Grocery stores, public transportation, families, people not in suits and dresses. Casual dining. Beer available outside of corner drug stores (that double as the local grocery store).

Fairly normal part of downtown Amsterdam

Fairly normal part of downtown Amsterdam

It may just be the Portland-like weather we’ve had in Amsterdam that makes me feel more comfortable.
Everything just feels like the European version of Portland, I guess. Except that the bike culture here would put Portland’s to shame.

The building leans both out and into the other building - we saw a few like this

The building leans both out and into the other building – we saw a few like this

Either way, tonight is our last night in Amsterdam. We’re out of the houseboat at 7:30 tomorrow morning (uuuuuuggghhhhhh) to catch a plane to Stockholm. Cross your fingers, toes, and other appendages in hope that we’ll have internet there that can handle uploading a few pictures.

Amsterdam is gorgeous

Amsterdam is gorgeous


One thought on “Amsterdam – Day 5

  1. Marie Anderson

    You make it sound wonderful. We are on the way to the midwife’s, pretty wonderful too.

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