Final Sweden thoughts

I know we’ve been in London a few days now but takes my some time to process everything we’ve seen and experienced.

Lasting impressions of Sweden-

Total shock on cashiers faces when I didn’t speak Swedish. Lots and lots of clusters of red houses, barns and sheds, lakes, rivers, fascinating fences and for my junior high friends lots of signs announcing farts 🙂


Rock mystery to ad to our sheds on stilts mysteries of central Sweden.

Rock mystery to ad to our sheds on stilts mysteries of central Sweden.

oh, and the mystery of the hobbit holes. We're guessing a root cellar. These were all over in the mountain area.

oh, and the mystery of the hobbit holes. We’re guessing a root cellar. These were all over in the mountain area.

Several churches had hedge rows in the cemetry.

Several churches had hedge rows in the cemetry.

Picnic lunch on our way to the airport. If it didn't get eaten it was getting tossed. Not taking food to London with us!

Picnic lunch on our way to the airport. If it didn’t get eaten it was getting tossed. Not taking food to London with us!

Quaint and sturdy fencing. Mostly found in historic areas of rural Sweden.

Quaint and sturdy fencing. Mostly found in historic areas of rural Sweden.


Just pretty :-)

Just pretty 🙂

ski jumping anyone? Looks insane to me.

Special pictures for my friend who spends his days with Junior high kids :-)

Special pictures for my friend who spends his days with Junior high kids 🙂

We missed one by a school that said "kinderfart" ;-)

We missed one by a school that said “kinderfart” 😉

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